I dont understand a word but I enjoy it. Would love it if I could understand what Im buying
I dont understand a word but I enjoy it. Would love it if I could understand what Im buying
Awesome game. Lots of modes you can try
I love this game!
I have been working on this 20min. Its really fun
so nice the game
tai hao wan le
Really Nice
GOOD GAME! You can use it to waste time !
but its not in english and i cant figure out what the tanks are for, what the achievements are and how to get the third airplane
I like this Game. Its Fun!
The new version is really awesome
its decent but takes way to long to get anywhere and with the new update with the gems it makes it way more difficult to buy the new ships
Nice graphic
thisgameisreallyfun islove itso muchgood
Very fun game
Very good
very good game
not bad
very good